Drumrock_Smart_Form class usage example

(for class version 0.1, 2006-07-30)

Creating new form with two elements

(c) drumrock, 2006

Seconds limit
Events count limit

Adding new element to the same form

Seconds limit
Events count limit
Free-form text line

Inserting new element to the same form

Seconds limit
Events count limit
Jailed text line :-)
Free-form text line

Deleting element from form by element's name

Seconds limit
Jailed text line :-)
Free-form text line

Script itself







echo "<h1>Drumrock_Smart_Form class usage example</h1>";

echo "<h2>(for class version 0.1, 2006-07-30)</h2>";

echo "<h2>Creating new form with two elements</h2>";

echo "<p>(c) <a href='http://drumrock.ru/'>drumrock</a>, 2006</p>";

// Creating elements definitions

$sf_elements = array();

// Array key is form element name as rendered

// in HTML option 'name' of 'form' tag.

$sf_elements['seconds'] = array(

	'title' => "Seconds limit", // Element description text

	'type' => "select", // element type

	'values' => array(

		"default_value" => "30",

		"15" => "Small",

		"30" => "Medium",

		"45" => "Big"

		), // Element's options values and their

		// descriptions. For elements without

		// predefined values, like text input,

		// for example, there must be empty array.

		// But also, if default value is needed

		// for any type of field, it must be

		// array element with 'default_value' key.

		// If no default value is specified,

		// for SELECT HTML-elements special

		// option '---' with empty value will

		// be rendered.

	'validators' => array("external_validator") // External validation function(s) name(s)


$sf_elements['events'] = array(

	'title' => "Events count limit",

	'type' => "input_text",

	'values' => array('default_value' => "Hello, <world>!"),

	'validators' => array("")


// Creating class object

$sf = new Drumrock_Smart_Form(

	"Test form", // Form title

	$sf_elements, // Form element's array

	"./", // Form action URL 

	"POST" // Submit method (can be 'POST' or 'GET')


// Renders initial form state

echo $sf->get_html();

echo "<h2>Adding new element to the same form</h2>";

$sf->add_element('free_text', // Name of new element

	array( // Element parameters array

	'title' => "Free-form text line",

	'type' => "input_text",

	'values' => array('default_value' => ""),

	'validators' => array("")


echo $sf->get_html();

echo "<h2>Inserting new element to the same form</h2>";



	'title' => "Jailed text line :-)",

	'type' => "input_text",

	'values' => array('default_value' => ":-)"),

	'validators' => array("")


	2 // Position to insert element at (starting from 0)


echo $sf->get_html();

echo "<h2>Deleting element from form by element's name</h2>";

$sf->remove_element('events'); // Element's name (or elements' name if many)

echo $sf->get_html();

// Validate submitted data width validation

// functions specified in params while creating

// form class object


// Get list of validation errors as array


// Get HTML for errors' texts and form itself

// with submitted data marked for correction

// (maybe with red asterisks "*")


// Gets HTML for successfully processed (validated)

// form


// Show myself :-)

echo "<h2>Script itself</h2><pre>";

$prev_line = "";

foreach(@file("./index.php") as $line)

	if(!($prev_line == "" && trim($line) == ""))

		echo htmlspecialchars($line) . "\n";

echo "</pre>";

echo "<p>(c) <a href='http://drumrock.ru/'>drumrock</a>, 2006</p>";




(c) drumrock, 2006